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She Kills Monsters:
Virtual Realms
(dir. David Jortner)

By Qui Nguyen (Baylor Theatre Fall 2020)

Coming right off the heels of the 2020 lockdown, She Kills Monsters was Brian's first design role at Baylor Theatre. Covid had been in full swing by that point, so to pivot, the department and their director sought to put on an entirely filmed play to circumnavigate the distancing mandate. This would come with its challenges, as Brian and the design team would each take on additional roles for the production, working tirelessly around the clock to finish the film. By the end of the process, Brian wasn't only the sound designer but was also the sole audio engineer with the guidance of mentor Ryan Joyner. They spent tireless days waiting for the finished cuts to come in, working on equalizing each of the spoken lines in the show for hours on end the whole week before the show went up.

SKM Dragon Attack
00:00 / 00:04
SKM Dragon hit 1
00:00 / 00:03
SKM Dragon hit 2
00:00 / 00:03
SKM Dragon Explosion + Death (1)
00:00 / 00:05
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